Thursday, September 15, 2011

Potty training

We are gearing up to start potty training. I read about a three day approach where they go bottomless for three days and essentially you are on guard for pee/poop action and whisk them on to the potty. This is followed by an enthusiastic potty dance. No snacks, no stickers, no fancy singing potty. I'm drawn to this approach because Preston responds well to a cheer and clapping and will often cheer and clap for himself when he's done something positive. So I haven't decided when we will start because the method also requires you to be somewhat housebound for two of those three days. But in the meantime we are gearing up so the potty isn't seen as a scary thing.

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anofferingoflove said...

we tried something similar and gave up by noon on the first day (and 5 pees on the floor!) keep us posted, and if you have success, please share tips!!

Jess said...

Keep us posted on how it's working. I'm scared Sydnee will pee everywhere by leaving her pullup off. She has peed on the floor before. She really doesn't mind peeing on herself yet, lol! Try putting him on the toilet as soon as he wakes up in the morning and after a nap. It's worked for Sydnee since they usually have to go as soon as they wake up. He is too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck, it's been a long, tough road here! Farty is FINALLY daytime trained. Peeing came pretty easy, but pooping was another story. Pretty sure it was a battle of wills there for the most part, as he would tell me flat out when he got mad that he was gonna poop his pants! I had to go all 'therapist' on his stubborn little ass and tell him that what comes out of his body belongs to him, and it's his responsibility to put it where it goes, ie, the toilet, the same way he has to put his toys in the toybox. And then when he pooped his pants, I handed him the wipes and told him it's his responsibility to clean up after his body. THAT got his attention...this kid hates poop!
Again, good luck!

Unknown said...

Good luck! Leo is going in his potty part time. I'm really just not ready for public restrooms, so I'm not encouraging him too much!