Gift: This weekend is my niece's "blessing" (read: christening). I'm so spent for ideas that I planned to just put money in a card. Any other ideas for a gift? Update: I got an idea of a silver piggy bank from Things Remembered with money in it. I'm always buying the girls stuff when I come to visit and I thought I'd like to start putting money in their banks when I come instead (well bring a small gift too). Not sure what to inscribe on it.
Gracie: is doing much better. The swelling and redness has gone down significantly and she's back to her happy go lucky self getting into mischief and being cute all at the same time (see pic of her in the shoe basket that she has so nicely chewed up over the past few weeks). Her new collar and leash came in. I'll post a pic later.
iPhone: I got one last week and I'm absolutely addicted to it. If you have one, I'm taking suggestions for apps. I wonder how many apps are considered unhealthy?
LA: Only a month until we go. I'm such a nerd, browsing though 5 different tourist books, picking out the things we must see/do. Your suggestions are still welcomed.
Mobile blogging: I've followed the directions and I still can't figure it out. Any tips? I would love to mobile blog while in L.A.
Gracie: is doing much better. The swelling and redness has gone down significantly and she's back to her happy go lucky self getting into mischief and being cute all at the same time (see pic of her in the shoe basket that she has so nicely chewed up over the past few weeks). Her new collar and leash came in. I'll post a pic later.
iPhone: I got one last week and I'm absolutely addicted to it. If you have one, I'm taking suggestions for apps. I wonder how many apps are considered unhealthy?
LA: Only a month until we go. I'm such a nerd, browsing though 5 different tourist books, picking out the things we must see/do. Your suggestions are still welcomed.
Mobile blogging: I've followed the directions and I still can't figure it out. Any tips? I would love to mobile blog while in L.A.
unhealthy? too many apps? i dont think thats possible!
i *love* my iPhone, dont really know how i ever lived without it!
so lets see...favorites:
urbanspoon and flixter are good for planning a night out. wikipedia, google, dictionary, freesaurus are all good for ocd info geeks like me. nytimes has an app for reading news stories. trailguru is fun for mapping your route, etc. amazon has a kindle app if you want to download books. if you ever switch to wordpress, they have an app you can blog easily from. for mindless games, papertoss is fun and addictive, as is doodlejump. colorsplash is fun if you like to edit pictures in creative ways. bump is a cool one for sharing your contact info with other iPhone users. oh! and the morontest is really fun. really.
those are my favorites right now. i tend to download games, play for a while, get bored, and then delete. this is a safe hobby only if you are getting the free ones! :)
How about a really pretty silver or gold chain braclet for your Niece's Christening.
I think the piggy bank with some money in it is an excellent idea. Most kids have so much stuff anyway, it's almost impossible to find a gift that they'll like and don't already have. And it's never too early to teach kids how to save for what they really want. I was always so proud walking into the toy store or book store with money that I'd saved.
Have fun with the iPhone. I don't have one, but seeing all of the apps makes me drool. Maybe someday when I've paid off all the baby making bills I'll buy myself one. I suppose I should get myself a piggy bank and start saving.
On mobile blogging: i use the email option to post entries when i'm on the road... On iPhones: you can never have too many apps! I realized about a month in that it had a limit. I'd recommend FB and Twitter (if you're active on either), the Kindle app is great, but I use my RSS feed app more often. (I think it came with it standard.) I love to play with pics, so I have two full pages of just photo apps... My favorites: iFlash (lightens the foreground of darker pics, and is GREAT for sky shots), QuadCam (like an old-school picture booth), ColorSplash (makes color pics B&W except for small items), Polarize (makes polaroids), Photogene (for cropping and such), iSwap Faces, (put your dog's head on your body!) and Camera Bag (lets you change how they're 'developed'). Wow, that was a lot. :) And sorry for the 'comments removed' posts.. I realized I need to edit before I hit publish. :)
Love the piggy bank idea. I still have mine, which I received upon my Christening, filled with Susan B. Anthony $1 and other coins from the year on my birth. For our Flower girl and ring bearer last year I bought each one with their names inscribed. The boy got a train and the girl a teddy bear...
As for the iPhone I love: google, FB, sol Free (Demon Solitare keeps me busy for HOURS), WDW wait Times (Have not had the opportunity to actually use this one yet as I will not be @ Disney until September), iSlots, iheartradio... there are too many to choose from! For good mindless entertainment try Bubbles or Expando!! I have also heard there is a Sherwin Williams app that allows you to take a picture of any wall color and it will find the "best" accent colors... need to download that one...hmmm... my clients' would get such a kick out of it...
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