- My beautiful boy is getting bigger and bigger. Pulling him in to bed with me at night to nurse requires much more effort on my part these days. Before I could do it half asleep, now... not so much.
- I fall deeper and deeper in love with him each and every day. Sometimes I feel like I can't get enough of him. He honestly brings me so much joy.
- He enjoys tummy time and playing on his activity mat. He's discovering that he has arms and enjoys moving them. It's fun to watch except when he accidentally hits himself in his face.
- I still wake up at night to make sure he's breathing. Damn you SIDS!
- He loves to cuddle but can also fall asleep on his own in his cradle. However, with that said, he'd much rather fall asleep in your arms and I'm okay with that.
- Sometimes he stops what he's doing just to listen to my voice as though he thinks it's the sweetest sound ever. I'm sure as a teen, he won't feel the same way!
- I feel so incredibly lucky to be his mom.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Absolute sweetness!
aww, he's so sweet!
aw, what a sweet, peaceful photo!
love this post - its so good to hear you are relishing motherhood!
Farty is 2 and I still check on him in the middle of the night to make sure he's breathing. I don't know exactly when that will stop.
He is adorable, those cheeks!
Just adorable!
now he is tooo cute for words!
Aw he's getting more and more handsome :)
I love him!! He definitely is too cute for words! I would suggest maybe getting the Angelcare movement monitor to put you at easy when he's asleep, but it probably wouldn't be useful if he sleeps with you. I about had a heart attack when I couldn't make out Sydnee breathing when I had her sleep with me.
He is so beauitful!
your baby is so cute i am getting ready to have a baby brother named preston.
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