Last evening Preston went on strike and refused to nurse. After an hour of crying, screaming and refusing to go to bed despite being exhausted, Danielle handed him a bottle of pumped milk and he instantly went to sleep. So much for thinking he wasn't feeling well, had gas, or that I ate something that made my milk taste bad. To be totally honest, my feelings were hurt. It felt like utter rejection. Now while I know that my 8 month old doesn't have the capacity to be intentionally hurtful or be angry because I didn't make it to daycare at lunch to visit him like i usually do, or be upset at the memory or my stern voice the day before, man did it sting.
So I went to bed now eager to go in and console him at 2am and that little bugga didn't even wake up! He slept the ENTIRE night. I woke up at 6:15am to check on him and brought him to bed to nurse, which he did.
So he nursed while sleeping. Great right? No. To make things worse, I got my monthly breastfeeding newsletter email this morning and what was this months topic? Weaning.
I haven't really given weaning much thought. I just automatically assumed that we'd nurse until his first birthday. I know I'm jumping the gun. One evening of not nursing doesn't mean our breastfeeding relationship is coming to an end but I guess I have to consider it right? The thought makes me ill. Hopefully, it was just a fluke. I mean he exclusively breastfed our entire trip without any problems (we were just in Florida visiting grandparents). Last night was the first time he refused the breast.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
sending you a big, big (((hug)))
ive been there, it is painful to be rejected like that. fwiw, bird has done that a couple of times, but it never lasts. she's 13 months old now and still nursing.
does he have a tooth coming in? she went through those biting/refusing to nurse stages right before new teeth popped in. it's like their little mouths feel weird or hurt and they just dont know what to do...
don't give up - you can get through this bump and continue to have a rewarding bf'ing experience. ((()))
I rufuse to even think about weaning. My feelings would have been hurt too. Hoping tonight is a different story.
I'm so sorry! That must feel really bad! Sounds like S has some good encouragement for you - hoping it's just an
Occasional thing. (( hugs))
PS where do you get your BF newsletter from?
Its hard when they get to the age where boundaries and limits have to be set. It doesn't get easier, the little boogers always up the ante! When I put Farty in time-out, he now starts sobbing and wailing 'I sorry mom, I love you soooo much!' It's hard to stay firm, but I just keep reminding myself that I'm trying to raise decent human beings, not cave men!
Thanks everyone for your support. I was devastated this morning and really just needed some reassurance. Preston nursed this afternoon and evening.
Glad you're all back on track. Sorry about my double comment, for some reason my 1st time didn't show up and I typed it again.
I still feel rejected when Farty cries to stay @ Grandmas when I pick him up there after work. But as soon as we actually get home, he's all hugs and kisses. Guess its just more proof that your heart is forever exposed once you're a mom.
Sorry you have to go through this. My son refused to nurse for the first month of his life. Logically, I knew it was nothing personal, but it felt like such a profound rejection and it stung so much. I hope he stays on track for you!
I think it was just a fluke! maybe just overly tired and just wanted to be in his crib?
That would hurt my feelings, too! Don't worry, though - nursing strikes are totally normal and not a sign of weaning usually. Hang in there!
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