Tuesday, May 25, 2010

6 Weeks

Additional things I've learned as a mom:
  • A public bathroom is as only good as it's changing station. If you lack one, you've already become a terrible bathroom.
  • There's a high likelihood that you will have some form of baby bodily fluid or dirt on your clothing by the end of the day. No more expensive clothing for a while.
  • Accessibility to my boob is now vital when shopping for new tops. If I can't breastfeed in it, there's no point in getting it. I have a really pretty long dress that I can't wear at this time because there's no way I can bf in it. I wish I had thought about that when I bought it.
  • The breastfeeding diet rocks. I've lost all of my pregnancy weight plus 17 pounds of prepregnancy weight. Only 11 more to go because goal weight #1.
  • Each day of maternity leave brings on a stronger desire to be a SAHM. I wish we could afford that as an option.
  • The mama bear is me in fierce. I never knew this side of me.
  • I detest car seats. Not for their function but because they are a PITA to get a baby in and out of. Plus they are freaken heavy if you decide to carry them.
  • You learn to prioritize which store to go in due to the aforementioned car seat issue.
  • The Ergo Carrier is a lifesaver.

Preston's Development:

  • He's starting to coo which is delightful to hear.
  • He is kicking his legs and moving his arms with more fluidity and enjoys his activity mat.
  • He's growing out of clothing like I work for a clothing store. What fit him last week, can easily be too small this week. BTW, I stepped on the scale with him yesterday and it said he was 15 pounds. I'm waiting for Danielle to do the same for confirmation. Holy Cow.
  • He can hold his head up longer on his own.
  • He still loves to be held and I love holding him.

Here's a short clip of him.


Anonymous said...

I second the carseat opinion. I gave up on the infant 'bucket' after about a month because the convertible is so much easier to get the kid in and out of, and he seemed more comfy too.
Farty has so many clothes he never even got to wear because he grew out of them too fast. I used to try to buy ahead for the next season when there were sales, but it's really hard to predict where he'll be in 6 months.

Love the video!

anofferingoflove said...

what a sweet video! he is adorable!

jealous of your rapid weight loss...im still struggling with the last 10 lbs of pregnancy weight

Carrie and MJ said...

So exciting to see all of Preston's developments in just 6 weeks. Glad you are all doing well!

Jess said...

Cute video of Preston!!! I am also jealous of your weight loss! 17 additional pounds, that's awesome!!

Unknown said...

Oh I hope breastfeeding has the same effect on me :) I still have 8 lbs. to go to get to pre-preg weight. He is such a sweet little guy!