I can really appreciate the simplicity of the holidays that Danielle and I share as the years pass by. Previous years included a lot of pomp and circumstance. Now, it's just about thoughtful gifts that are incredibly meaningful. My first job ever was at age 14. I worked at a convent with retired nuns. My mom worked there and was able to get me a job on the weekends. I stayed there until I went off to college and would work there in a different dept. during summer breaks. Anyway, as a teen I would read to them, wheel them around the beautiful gardens to get fresh air, and help out wherever I could. I loved that job. The Nuns really loved having someone young there and they especially loved hearing about school, what was going on in my life, etc. Periodically I would bring in my tap shoes and dance for them. I think they just enjoyed having someone young around the convent. I didn't grow up Catholic but the nuns taught me the rosary and would give me medals of different saints to put in my pocket if I was going through something major such as taking the SAT's, going off to college, etc. I just loved them, even Sister Thackery who would make me cry sometimes with her nasty comments but I digress. So I was telling Danielle this a few weeks ago. Danielle grew up Catholic, attended a Catholic School but doesn't practice it now. However, there are times we'll talk about it and I ask her questions. I seem to be really fascinated with the idea of confession and although I know it is between her and god (as she told me), I'm dying to know what kind of things a kid in grade school confesses. But anyway, yesterday Danielle gave me a small gift bag. In the bag was my favorite toffee and a St. Gerard medal. St. Gerard is the Saint of fertility and motherhood. I thought it was the sweetest gift ever.
aw, that is a really sweet, thoughtful gift. here's hoping st. gerard watches out for you both and brings your baby soon!
That was incredibly sweet. I hope that St. Gerard smiles down on you very soon.
aw, that's a wonderful gift! i love thoughtful gifts!
what a beautiful gift indeed..
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