Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week 27

Nursery: We painted the nursery over the weekend and I really don’t like it. I won’t go as far as to say I hate it but it kinda tiptoes over into that area. The blue just doesn’t sit well with me. It feels too blue. It doesn’t say baby to me at all. Plus I feel like it makes the room look way too dark. I just can’t picture myself rocking our baby in this room and feeling calm and soothed. It’s disappointing because we put a lot of work into that room on Sunday but I just don’t think I can live with it. I’m wondering what a neutral color like khaki would do for the room and add splashes of color through accessories, etc. I feel bad, Danielle doesn’t wan to repaint because of all the work we put in but what’s that all worth if you don’t enjoy it?

Gestational Diabetes: I was screened for this today. “The drink” wasn’t as unpleasant as I expected. It tasted like flat Sprite. I should get the results within the next 1-2 days.

Ultrasound: My placenta is no where near my cervix so we’ve officially ruled out placenta previa. Our little guy is doing well in there. He’s head down and weighs 2lbs, 13oz and in the 84th percentile. What does that last part mean?

31: Tomorrow (13th) I’m turning 31. I had bigger issues turning 30. I think partly because I was stressed about entering my 30’s and not being pregnant. This year, I feel pretty blasé about it all. I think the only exciting thing about it is that we plan to grab margharita pizza at a local Italian restaurant for dinner.

Bedtime: It feels like my bedtime or at least the time I go lay in bed to watch TV or read is getting earlier and earlier. I also realize that if I don’t get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, I’m done for. Last night we went to bed late and had to wake up early for our testing and now I’m paying for it dearly.

Baby Shower: My friend, Erica, who is throwing our shower lives in LA. Because of her location and unfamiliarity with Pittsburgh, I picked where we would have the shower. After several weeks of searching, stressing and searching some more I found the perfect place. We’ll be having afternoon tea in the dining room of a local downtown hotel. It’s exciting to think that our shower is 7 weeks away- March 7th @ 35 weeks. It’s cutting it kind of close but for some reason I wanted it in March vs February.

Registry: It seems like compared to some people, our registry is kinda bare. The lady at BRU suggested we register for at least 3 things per guest so they have stuff to chose from. I think our idea was to register for what we thought we’d need and as a result we have 1 thing per guest (36 items). So last night I added a few more things like extra sheets, a bumbo, boppy, etc. I’ve already bought some of the major baby gear items and we’ve inherited a lot of my niece’s stuff. So aside from bottles and other basics, what are some of the must haves or things you really enjoyed using the first year of life? We already have baby gear covered.

Jeans: 27 weeks in to this pregnancy and I finally found the best maternity jeans that fit great and make my ass look fantastic. It’s a shame that I wasted money on the other two that are very unflattering.

Pregnancy Shoot: I hired a private professional photographer to do some pregnancy shots. She’s coming on Monday to shoot on location (my house and the park up the street). It seems so vain but I can’t wait. If we like her work, she’ll come back within the first 10 days of the baby’s life to do newborn shots. I can’t wait to see them hung in the nursery. In the meantime, I get to pamper myself with a manicure/pedicure over the weekend.


Anonymous said...

The 84th percentile thing means you are having a 'Farty sized' baby. (Really it means that Sugarplum is currently bigger than 84% of babies the same age).
I would suggest getting more than 1 bouncy seat. I kept one in the bathroom and moved the other one around the house. And sleep n plays in bigger sizes(obviously!) They're easy to change without having to pull them over baby's head. Which is a bonus when you have a kid with a big head. Clothing manufacturers don't seem to make necklines with the large-melon kid in mind. Just sayin. That 84 percentile thing applies to head size too.

RDR said...

What are the jeans that work best, what's the brand name?

rachel said...

I love that you are having a photo shoot! I say go for it! I can't believe that you are already at 27 weeks and that SP is already over 2pounds! He is going to be perfect!

anofferingoflove said...

products we love/recommend: aden & anais swaddling blankets, kiddopotamus swaddleme, more recieving blankets than you can ever imagine using, old-fashioned pre-fold cloth diapers to use as burp cloths, a moby wrap, lots of sleeping gowns (so nice not to have to unbutton/snap/zip clothes in the middle of the night), the ultimate crib sheet. also, we got a lot of children's books as gifts, which were wonderful.

if you havent already decided on sleeping arrangements, we love our arm's reach mini co-sleeper.

Melissa said...

I have no advice on what to add to the registry. We went with a newer mom and she helped up. I also sent a link to my registry to some moms and they were VERY helpful in filling in any holes.

So excited for you that SP is settling in and growing well :)

Jess said...

The photo shoot sounds really awesome!!! I wish there was someone close by where I live that can do a photo shoot for me. Sorry your not liking the color blue you have! Where did you get your maternity jeans? I hate the ones I got. Sugarplum is a great weight!:)

d said...

Wipe warmer....and if you buy a used one, make sure that it has the liner so the wipes don't scorch.

Gayby Rabies said...

Sorry to hear you aren't loving the nursery, especially after you put so much work into it. It's hard to say without seeing it, but I'm sure that some well placed accessories / pictures will brighten things up. Maybe you can use your registry to get some things to make the room more to your liking.