As I near the third trimester I've noticed the following:
- My appetite is decreasing again. I make a conscious effort to eat three meals a day for the baby's sake but otherwise I could quite easily skip lunch.
- I am exhausted ALL THE FREAKEN TIME.
- The irritability and snapiness from the first trimester is returning (sorry Danielle).
- I hate the freaken snow and I'm even more motivated now to get the hell out of Pittsburgh before Winter 2010.
- I hate cleaning and would love it if I could have a housekeeper come in once a week. However, on the other hand, I have this strong desire to get rid of clutter. So over the weekend I had the bright idea to clean out our basement. I injured my back in the process. Stupid decision on my part but at least the basement looks good again and it was a great excuse to nap in my wearable blanket (not to be confused with a snuggi) with a hot water bottle on my back afterwards.
I am SO SICK of this cold too. I read somewhere that this is the coldest winter since the 1970's! Take it easy, I hope you're feeling better soon.
yeah, it gets rough at the end. hang in there, you are almost there!! :)
Oh, those last few months. You have my symptathy and empathy. Just keep reminding yourself that every extra day 'on the inside' is helping your little man get bigger and stronger!
I think your getting to your nesting stage. Where you just want to clean. I'm with you on the full feeling. I have that throughout the day.
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