Thursday, April 22, 2010


Today was a good breastfeeding day. It seems like new issues arise one day and resolve itself the next. However today we fed on demand vs a three hour schedule which seemed to work out well. Hopefully he will continue this tomorrow.

I knew breastfeeding would be challenging and I have to remind myself on a daily basis that it will get easier.

In the hospital I was asked to pump after each feeding which caused WAY too milk when I got home. This was incredibly frustrating because I was leaking everywhere and would wake up completely soaked and shivering. It seems like that has gotten better.

Preston is a good feeder and latches well but sometimes he won't feed from both sides in one setting. The lactation specialist said this was okay but encouraged us to feed from both sides if possible.

Seeing the lactation specialist at the pediatricians office was helpful. She observed an entire feeding and gave some really helpful pointers. She introduced us to the cuzoodle nursing pillow which I fell in love with. I want one but im trying to justify the $70 price tag for a pillow. I think I can since I HATE the boppy and will use it multiple times on a daily basis.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Jess said...

That's great! I'm jealous!
I dont really like the boppy for breast feeding either. Your doing better with breast feeding than I have for sure. My supply sucks and she latches on great but gets very frustrated with the flow since she is a pig and has no patience, lol
So I'm just supplementing breast milk with formula when I have the time.

giggleblue said...

it gets easier, i promise! the football hold worked best for me in the early days, and i could do it easily sitting in any chair with a kinda limp pillow flat and resting on the armrest - baby on top of it.

when i wasn't in a share, folding a pillow in half, and then using it to support baby in the football hold also worked well.

not sure what hold you are using, but we didn't get good with the cross holds until GP was older.

it gets easier! i promise. at around month 1, this will be old news! hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it's going well, at least most of the time!

luckyduck said...

It totally gets easier! I really like the football hold. Now that the babies are bigger the cradle hold is easier. Don't feel bad about buying that pillow. That is the cost of 2-3 cans of formula.

Keep up the good work! Your boy sure is a cutie!

Lisa said...

Jill- the comment on the formula was all that I needed to hear. Thanks! I know the pillow will help both his posture and mine.

Jess- do you have a pump? that helped my supply but also just putting her to breast more will help. But I know you are not feeling well so just take it easy.

Giggle- I can only seem to manage the football hold on the right side. I feel awkward on the left. How weird. We are going to keep on trying though.

Rachel- thanks

Anonymous said...

Lisa, don't feel guilty about the pillow. Jill made a good point. I used a "My Brest Friend" pillow which I liked, and since I nursed for 15 months you know I got my money's worth! :) My advice is buy whatever you need to buy to make the nursing thing work well for both of're still saving a ton of money and it's better for Preston too. Glad things are going well!

Jess said...

Thanks Lisa! I do have a pump. I'm thinking of just getting another one and see if that makes a difference. I do find the football hold on the right side easier too.

Anonymous said...

A good nursing pillow is so worth the money. I hated the Boppy and loved My Brest Friend. Get your pillow and don't feel bad at all. Your little guy is just adorable!

anofferingoflove said...

im late to this post, but just wanted to send some bf'ing encouragement your way. it does get easier, i **promise**. somewhere between 2-3 weeks, for me, it just suddenly clicked and became effortless. you can do it!! hang in there.

and, fwiw, my daughter never nursed from both sides. and we've been exclusively bf'ing for 5.5 months now. do whatever works for you & your babe.

i love the new header!! he is adorable!

Melissa said...

I agree with everyone else and know it doesn't help now but it does get easier. I say buy the pillow, it's cheaper than going to a chiropractor or masseuse cause you back is so screwed up.

Your doing a great job and Preston is growing big and strong because of all you are doing.