Saturday, September 20, 2008

On hold

We put the injectables on hold for a cycle. Through all of the excitement I forgot that our bank is closed until the 29th. From the sounds of it, there would be a possibility the injectables would make me o earlier than usual. You would think I would be bummed right? But actually I'm really okay with it. It's just nice to know there is a back up plan waiting in the wings.


giggleblue said...

this bank closure crap is really annoying!!!! i think it's bit at least everyone in a least one way or another...

you're right though, you do have a back up plan, that i hope you wont' need.

Melissa said...

It is always nice having a back up plan, sort of comforting in a weird way.

Catherine said...

Ah, that sucks. Hoping you won't need injectibles and this cycle will work!

Jess said...

Sorry you wont be able to use the injectibles this cycle! Hopefully you wont need them. With the bank being closed it has messed up everything for me this cycle.