Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I love the innocence of children. They are just so sweet. While at my brother's house for Thanksgiving, my 3 year old niece came up to me and said:

Logan: Aunt Lisa, do you have any children?
Me: No honey I don't.
Logan: But I want you to!
Me: Yeah, me too.

I just thought it was the dearest little conversation. Just goes to show that you can get ttc support even from a 3 year old.

Here's a clip of her from Saturday's baby shower.


Rachel said...

That is adorable, kids are so naturally kind until adults corrupt them.

S. said...

shes adorable!!

kids are so wonderfully sweet and non-judgmental.

Catherine said...

How sweet. Kids are better than grown-ups! She is adorable

Jess said...

Awww, what a cute little conversation!!

Unknown said...

Too sweet.

Anonymous said...
