Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lets call it what it is... denial

I wholeheartedly agree with the idea that ignorance is bliss. Okay, maybe not all of the time but there comes a time in the tww when you are close to testing but you don't want to test because you enjoy living in la la land with the idea that you could be possibly pregnant. POAS ruins all of that and just puts you down in the dumps.

Today I had my preoperative physical. They took 5 vials of blood (yikes) and asked for a medical history. I, ladies and gents, am in excellent health! At any rate, I was told that they will take a blood hcg test the morning of surgery (Thursday) which will be 10 dpo. I'm terrified to know the answer because at least with a urine hpt you can live in la la land. Wait, should I just call la la land, what it is? DENIAL. Okay so you can live in denial for a few days thinking maybe you took it too early, maybe you drank too much water beforehand and the hcg is diluted, etc. But with a blood test, you can't live in denial. It's the hard core fact. So even at 10dpo, I don't think there is much room for error right? If I get a negative on a blood test at 10dpo, what are the chances of that being a false negative? Should I ask for a quantitative vs qualitative? God, now I'm trying to bring you guys into denial with me. Stay away folks, stay away.

I'm very nervous about surgery. I seem to be more nervous about the anesthesia than with the surgery itself. Did I mention because I'm in the tww, they are giving me a spinal block so I'll be awake the entire time? Good times I tell you. So with all of that, do I really want to deal with a bfn on top of it? Should I ask not to be told? The only silver lining and this is a stretch is that if it is negative at least I'll already have an excuse to wallow in bed for a day or two and a new bed at that.

The construction is going a little slow but tomorrow they should make some headway. Fingers crossed.

Glammie this is for you:
hpt- home pregnancy test
poas- pee on a stick (peeing on a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant)
hcg- the hormone detected in pregnancy
dpo- days past ovulation
tww- two week wait which is the time between ovulation and when your period is due.
bfn- big fat negative (on a hpt)
bfp- big fat positive (on a hpt)


Melissa said...

Hoping for a BFP and a quick recovery for you!!

tireegal68 said...

wow - that is a lot going on at once! I don't know about the results on day 10 from a blood test as I never had one - I just peed on a lot of sticks!
I agree that whatever happens you definitely need to be hanging in bed for a while afterwards with some good painkillers and such. How long is the surgery and the recovery?
Girl, I suppose if it is a nasty BFN you will be able to cry and feel down for many reasons - like being post - op. I really hope you get good news. Yes I might be in denial too!
HUGS and GL for the surgery. Make sure D. pampers the hell out of you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, just found your blog and the first paragraph totally hooked me in - so true!
I have no advice about bloods at 10dpo either but wanted to say good luck anyway - hope it's a bfp!

Anonymous said...

i think an embryo can attach anywhere from 7-12dpo and they don't start producing hcg until implantation, so it seems possible a blood test at 10dpo could produce a false negative.

that said, i am the queen of living in la-la land, so i'd recommending asking your doc for a real medical opinion! :D

i hope this is a moot point, the test comes back positive, and you can spend your surgery/recovery focused on happy things!

giggleblue said...

when it comes to surgery, i'm always more concerned about the meds, than the surgery itself.

mainly it's weird to be put to sleep when you aren't exactly sleepy, you know? but that won't be your case, since you will be having the spinal block, but no doubt, i see what you mean.

i don't know what i would do about the blood test. i agree, that depending upon implantation, it could still be a false negative at that time... oh, my. that's a tough one. i'm wishing you all the best with the surgery!!!

Mommy and Mamita said...

At 10DPO I would think you could get a false negative if you had a late implanting embryo. There do seem to be some women out there who have had beta tests done this early:


Good luck with the surgery.

Lisa said...

This is what Tosha wrote in an email. Figure someone else may benefit from the info as wel...

I think that there should be a trace of hcg in your system to get a positive blood test, but that wouldn't be the end of the cycle if it was negative. If you have a beta done doctor's really like to wait the full 14 days because the hcg is significant enough to give a yes or no answer. So if it's negative don't give up you still have 4 days that can change that.

Lisa said...

Thanks everyone for your feedback regarding hcg and the support for my surgery. It's nice knowing I have such great online friends.

Becky Le Cochon said...

Thinking of you as always...and praying its not a lala land thang...

Catherine said...

I wouldn't get the beta results I would wait. I know Robbie didn't implant until 12 dpo, I had implantation cramping like crazy. And I was BFN at 10 dpo. SO, you might get sad for nothing if it is BFN.
I understand your fear. My surgery will all be freezing too. I am scared of being awake and not in control. NWIM

Carrie and MJ said...

Good luck with your surgery and I am keeping fingers crossed for that BFP!

Jess said...

thinking of you!!
Good Luck Lisa!!