Monday, August 17, 2009

Can you stop breathing please?

Ha ha ha, the u/s tech actually asked me to stop breathing during the u/s. It was kinda funny because she never told me when to breath again so I was like dying and taking small gasps of air. Why did she do this? I'm not sure but I think it's because I was so nervous during my u/s appointment that my heart was beating so fast. I'm not sure if that could actually intefere with the recording of the baby's heartbeat but obviously it was screwing up something on her end.

If you recall, the u/s appointments are very strict. There's no asking of questions, no showing of the screen, just the tech looking at the monitor, clicking, moving the dildo cam around and more clicks. Then for a follie check you get a call later on that day with the results. But in my case, at the end of the appointment (about 5 minutes of freaken clicking while my heart is beating a mile a minute wondering what the hell she' s seeing) she called Danielle in, turned the screen to us and showed us SugarPlum. We couldn't hear the heartbeat because she didn't use a Doppler but we got to see it flickering on the screen. It was so awesome. SugarPlum looks like a little bean. His/her heartbeat at 6w3d is 115bpm and measures 5mm. Both she and the RE were happy with this number and I am officially discharged to my OB.

I will crop and adjust the pic when I get home but I quickly stopped off at a copying place before work to have them scan and email Sugarplums pic to me so I could share.


Rachel said...

I am so happy for you! I've been checking in all afternoon to see how it went, and it sounds like everything is perfect!

This Mom said...

Yay! Congratulations on a great ultrasound!

Gayby Rabies said...

Wow. Absolutely beautiful. Are you breathing yet?

Jess said...

Awww, Love it!! so cute!!:)
I've been checking your blog since earlier this morning for an update,lol!
I cant wait for mine. I still have a long wait though.

luckyduck said...


tireegal68 said...

Yeah!!!! Thank the goddess! Love your litle sugarplum! Congrats! So happy for you!!! Xoxoox

Anonymous said...

i am so, so, so happy for you! im tearing up just looking at that beautiful picture of sugarplum! congrats!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So awesome! Congratulations, Mama!

Melissa said...

Glad the little one is all snug and comfy in there!

Anonymous said...

wow, just wow. congrats!