Monday, April 5, 2010

Week 39w3d Check Up

We met with the midwife this morning. He did a cervical check and said I’m starting to thin out. I’m about 30% effaced right now but not dilated. He kept on reminding us about the possibility of going over 2 weeks but said that the thinning out is a good sign and thinks maybe the baby will come around his due date. Just as an aside... Danielle was born on her due date. I think the statistic of being born on your due date is something like 2% so it would be a cool thing for them to have in common. If by next Monday, which is my next appt, he’s still not here, I’ll have to go in for a non-stress test and another u/s to measure the amniotic fluid to make sure he’s okay. We will then schedule an induction to take place on the week of the 19th. He said he doesn’t think we’ll end up going that route but that’s the plan if we do.

BTW, I HATE cervical checks. They are painful and traumatizing. I cannot imagine keeping it together and having one while in labor.

My midwife suggested Evening Primrose. I hate the smell of the oil but I will start it tonight.


AdventuresInBabyMaking said...

It seems like the home stretch is always the hardest part. It's good that you're starting to thin, though. I hope Sugarplum gets here before Monday!

Anonymous said...

That's great that your body is working on effacement (which is necessary before dilation). If it comes to the NST, make sure you're hydrated so your amniotic fluid level isn't low. Also, you can often discuss with your midwife your desire to not have internal exams in labor except in the case of medical necessity. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly without need for intervention.

anofferingoflove said...

sounds like your body is doing exactly what it needs too -- im guessing that induction date wont be necessary! and yes, cervical checks are the worst.

do we get a final belly shot?? :D

Unknown said...

Thinking of you and sending you tons of positive, short, and easy birth vibes.

Unknown said...

So exciting!! I chose not to have internal exams before Jack was born. I was afraid that it would make me depressed that nothing was happening. Glad you got some news that there is some action taking place.

shea said...

j used primrose oil. it worked..and it worked fast. a couple of days later j started loosing her plug. she inserted them vaginally. days later when ob checked it had really soften her cervix. good luck!

Jess said...

I've been taking the EPO vaginally and I think it's helped with my thining(50% effaced). I am SO with you on the cervical check. They are horribly painful!!! I hate getting them. Maybe we'll give birth to our babies around the sametime. :)

Carrie and MJ said...

Thinking of you and Danielle this week. Glad your body has at least started to do something. Hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer to meet your little guy!

Suzy said...

Thinking of you! The home stretch is the hardest. Hope he arrives on his due date for you :)

tireegal68 said...

Yeah I'm with S - on the final belly shot!
Your progress sounds promising. It all sounds frustrating as hell though. Okay so what so they do exactly on these cervical checks - it sounds horrible but I have no clue what it means!
It would be cool if he comes on his due date! The more I know about pregnancy the more I marvel thst my mum gave birth to us twins just one day before her due date! Twins! And we were fair sized too!
Good luck with the EPO!
So close and last week of work - you're a trooper!

Sabrina said...

Walk walk walk and walk again! Seriously it works!!
Good luck.

J and DZ said...

You're almost there!! Sadie was born on her Due date but with an induction (2 days earlier) I'm not sure if that counts!
I have my fingers crossed that you'll go into Labor sooooon and on your own.

Becky Le Cochon said...

I'm hoping for a GG birth date ;-)

Melissa said...

Wanted to check in and see how you're doing. Any action?