I (subconsciously?) forgot that I had yet ANOTHER baby shower to attend next weekend. I really don't have time this week to go shopping for gifts so I called my mum last night at 9:30pm and asked her if she could make a gift for me to take and by 1pm this afternoon, she emailed pics of what she made. The woman is a amazing. The package includes two fitted cloth diapers, two pacifier clips, two matching non-slip hair bows, and travel diaper/changing kit. All I have to add is a pretty box and a BRU gift card and it's a wrap. Talk about taking a load of my
For our trip to LA she's making us beach towel bags which I think are so cool because they hold things like your book, sunglasses, sunscreen, and whatever else you want to bring to the beach and then once you get there, you just pull it open and lay out. Then when you're done, you just stuff everything back in there and you're off.

Gracie had a good time at puppy school. She was by far the youngest and smallest. We learned sit, lay down, return, and focus where the pup looks at you and only you while walking. The latter two lessons were a little advanced for Gracie but she's pretty much mastered sit and we are still working on lay down. She tends to army crawl to get the treat instead of just laying down. There's no school next Saturday because of the holiday so she has a lot of time to practice her homework.
Gracie had a good time at puppy school. She was by far the youngest and smallest. We learned sit, lay down, return, and focus where the pup looks at you and only you while walking. The latter two lessons were a little advanced for Gracie but she's pretty much mastered sit and we are still working on lay down. She tends to army crawl to get the treat instead of just laying down. There's no school next Saturday because of the holiday so she has a lot of time to practice her homework.