Monday, August 10, 2009

Midwife Vs. OB

After our u/s next Monday, we will be discharged to my OB. I adore my OB. She does great work but she's so darn busy and does a lot of outreach work to third world countries, which is 100% admirable but it makes her a little inaccessible sometimes. I had to track her down this weekend because she left one group practice and went into another one. My biggest fear about going with her is that she won't be there for the birth. I mean today I called and it was so hard to get an appointment scheduled with her. The receptionist gave me two appointments and then took them back, stating she would have to call me back. I called 2 hours later and it was either next Wednesday in the middle of my work day or in late September which the receptionist calculated would be close to my second trimester. Obviously I took next Wednesday and pray that my supervisor will be understanding as I'm already coming in late next Monday because of the ultrasound at the RE's office. I haven't told my boss and don't plan to for as long as possible.

I also made an appointment for a consultation with a highly recommended midwife, who happens to be a male. Actually, he is only one of three male midwives in the entire state of Pennsylvania. I was told, by a close friend who recently delivered with him, that his care is phenomenal. So while I really liked the idea of having a female midwife (why I have no idea) I'm drawn to him and his work. Additionally, he is in a solo practice so I know only he will deliver our baby. Ultimately I have three midwife options: 1. The Midwife Center- they have a birthing center and deliver back up at AGH. They are a really well respected group of women but I have no interest in birthing at their center which I didn't find all that homey and I don't have any desire to birth at AGH so they are kind of out. 2. The Midwives at Magee Hospital- they too have a good reputation but I learned that I won't always see the same midwife throughout my pregnancy and I'm not with that. 3. Patrick Thornton- solo practice, male midwife who has a good reputation. So we'll see.

My experience so far: I get really hungry really quickly without much notice. I have to stock up on some healthy snacks to help in between meals. I've gained so much weight over these past two years that I'm really concerned about excessive weight gain. While I'll confirm it with my OB, the books tell me I shouldn't gain anymore than 15-20 pounds for my current weight. I don't know how realistic that is so I'm interested to hear about other people's weight gain. I'm walking Gracie 1.5 miles daily so hopefully that will help as well keep it under control.
Today I also noticed that my ta ta's are growing. SCORE!!!!!!!!!! They feel a little heavier and look fuller. While I was never a mbr of the itty bitty titty committee, I don't mind having these nice ta ta's for a while.

I feel a little embarrassed about admitting this but I bought Sugarplum his/her first gift. It's a silver piggy bank. I figured there's no harm in trying to fill it up during the next 9 months.


Irreverent Mommy said...

I just stumbled upon your blog - congrats on your little one!

I had an OB with my daughter & midwives with my son. I personally will never do it without midwives again. My daughter's birthday is a horror story so we decided the 2nd time around to find midwives.

Our son was born in our bathtub (didn't intend to have him @ home, but glad we did) and I was having a fabulous hot shower 20 minutes later while one of my midwives was making me tea, the other midwife was putting the towels in the wash & my hubby was having some time with his son.

The care was night & day. I highly recommend finding a midwife, my only regret was not having one when I was pregnant with my daughter.

Good luck!!

2momswithaplan said...

Good luck on finding a midwife! It sounds like everything is going well in your pregnancy thus far.

I was only pregnant for 8 weeks but during that time I was eating every 30 minutes. I knew I was in trouble because in only 8 weeks I had gained 10 pounds! I read in books that you are able to gain 30 pounds throughout the pregnancy but that depends on your starting weight at the beginning of your pregnancy. I would definitely double check with your OB and see what she says. :)

Rachel said...

I started out heavier than I would have liked too, but it turns out I had nothing to worry about becuase I was so sick that I actually lost 12lbs in the first half of my pregnancy! Total weight gain was about 13, and 8.5 of it was baby:)
I say if you're hungry, then eat! As long as your blood pressure is good, you'll be fine!
I'm sure you'll make the right decision on your provider, you'll just know what feels right.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you have some really good options with your prenatal care. id suggest shopping around until you find that perfect fit - its so important to be comfortable.

ive gained about 15lbs already in this pregnancy (and i still have 11.5 weeks to go). im trying to just eat healthy and not worry about it...

congrats on buying the first present for your babe! :)

Susan said...

Be sensible and you'll be fine on the weight-front. I gained some weight with fertility meds too, didn't battle nausea, and have still lost weight since our BFP. I eat when I'm hungry and try to choose healthy options (and sometimes indulge in crappy ones.) :) Congrats again! :)

tireegal68 said...

I think from reading your post that you may have already made up your mind - but I guess that it's good to explore as many options as possible ( or realistic) even if you do end up being convinced that your first choice is still number 1.
I definitely think that praying that your busy OB is going to be available may be a little unrealistic - esp as we know how the whole baby making and baby birthing business does not always go according to plan.
I think that the piggy bank is a great idea for your little one - you inspired me - I might just do something like that too - it's a tangible way to save and feel good about it!
As for the food, I second what everyone else has said - try to eat healthy but don't beat yourself up about it - esp when you are feeling nauseous and just need to get something down.
So excited for you:)

Gayby Rabies said...

Thanks for all of your supportive comments on my blog.

Though I can't speak from experience, it seems as though appetite can vary wildly during pregnancy. One week you can't stop eating, another week the mere thought of food makes you gag. I think if you try to set yourself up so that you have healthy snacks you're one step ahead. And having a dog can really help keep you active too. They won't let you forget to take a walk!

Catherine said...

Wow, I haven't visited blogs in awhile. What a nice surprise. I am beyond thrilled for you!

Jess said...

I am also overweight from TTC. I'm trying to eat better. So hopefully that will work with not gaining so much weight during pregnancy. Also I think a Midwife would be great!!

giggleblue said...

i only have one request - that you hire the best damn midwife or ob that you can find! don't skimp, don't compromise, don't lower your expectations!