Mr. Midwife does it again...with each visit, he continues to affirm that my decision to use him was the right one. We met today for about 45 minutes answering my questions and then moving us to the exam room to weigh me, get my bp, and listen to the baby.
I've lost 8 pounds since learning of my pregnancy. The irony in all of this is that I couldn't lose 8 pounds to save my life when I wasn't pregnant. So now I'm around the same weight pre-cruise which was in January 2009. Danielle and I put just about the same things in our mouth and sorry Danielle, but she put more in her mouth than I did and she only gained 1 pound and I gained 9, WTF? Ha! So I'm down in weight but in the middle of the week my appetite returned and although I'm still cautious about my weight, I seem to be enjoying every thing I eat (maybe a little too much).
Today, we got an extra little treat after hearing the hb.... Mr. Midwife told us that by 13 weeks the uterus/baby should be in x position and he felt around for it. When he found it he had Danielle come to the table so he could teach her how to feel for it. He told her to feel for the "shelf" and she was able to find it (located on the lower right side above my pubic bone). It's small things like that, that make the appointments so special.
Glad you had a good appointment. I lost about 12-13lbs the first half of pregnancy, I was sick all the time! I ended up only gaining a total of 12lbs, which was lost pretty fast after delivery, since Farty was over 8.5 of it, lol. I told my doc that being pregnant is the best diet I ever tried!
I'm so glad you are getting such an affirming experience! Do you have a birth plan yet or is it too early? He can be there at the hospital, right? Love hearing about the shelf! Who knew?
I haven't made a formal birth plan but the one in my head includes trying to labor at home for as long as possible. Using a jacuzzi when we get to the hospital if I can't stand laboring at home. I'd like to believe I will do it without meds but I haven't made a definitive decision. I'm trying to find stories from friends who've gone natural for support. It's very easy to find people who had meds and advocate for it. A friend who went natural (x2 out of 3) said she was able to recover much quicker and move around. Also I really like the idea of birthing squatting rather than laying down. My midwife said the beds break down to a birthing chair, I can go on all fours or squat on the bed.
I'm not sure I can do that if I have meds.
My midwife will be at the hospital and actually told us NOT to arrive before he does. He says that the nurses defer to him. If he's not there they proceed with their cookie cutter process of trying to get you hooked up to meds and machines. Danielle will be in the room and will cut the cord.
Our midwife stays with us an hour after birth to support us in anyway.
I'm sure we'll fine tune the details with the more that I learn.
So exciting! I am so glad you are having such a good experience with your midwife. He seems very supportive. Have fun tomorrow taking a peek at Sugar Plum!
I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain as long as you eat healthy, feel good and your blood pressure is good. I was (still am) overweight when I got pregnant, so I worried too. I lived on canned peaches, kept in the fridge for months because that is all I could eat! And I haven't touched one since, I can't stand the thought of one more peach!
I love your midwife! Some of the doctors at out clinic barely acknowledge Elizabeth when she's in the exam room with me. It's so wonderful that Danielle got to be physically involved with your exam.
your midwife sounds *amazing*. i cant believe you in your second trimester already! :)
Your midwife sounds fantastic!!
I haven't been gaining a lot of weight either. It's kind of strange that the one time I expected to gain a lot of weight is the time I'm not gaining anything!
I found the second trimester so much more enjoyable. Enjoy your food before you get too big because then it's heartburn. Pregnancy is "fun" but soooo worth it!
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