Malea- the leg gussets are like that because it is elasticated. It is common on her diapers but not on everyone's in general.
Rachel- thanks.
Luckyduck- The ones with the prints she added PUL (waterproof lining) to make them AIO. The white terry ones she made without PUL and closures so I can use them with a cover. Would that be considered a fitted? I'm still trying to learn all of the lingo!!!
Cute! I like that she included a variety to fit any occasion. Is it common for the leg holes to have that design? Cool.
Those are so cute! You are so lucky to have nana making them! I love for all their varieties, since I don't have a sewing nana:(
cool! Do you use prefolds with them? or are they all in ones?
Malea- the leg gussets are like that because it is elasticated. It is common on her diapers but not on everyone's in general.
Rachel- thanks.
Luckyduck- The ones with the prints she added PUL (waterproof lining) to make them AIO. The white terry ones she made without PUL and closures so I can use them with a cover. Would that be considered a fitted? I'm still trying to learn all of the lingo!!!
Those are so cute!!! your mother is great at making those!
Nice dipes :)
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