Monday, March 29, 2010

"The Talk"

Mr. Midwife had "The Talk" with me. The one that you hope never to hear...going post 40 weeks. I know it's possible to be pregnant for 42 weeks but I'm not sure anyone really wants to go over 40 weeks. I've been patient the entire pregnancy but the last few weeks once you hit full term are hard. Although I'm aware of the possiblity, I kind of live in denial and hope and to believe that SugarPlum will come on time. However, this morning, Mr. Midwife said that if he doesn't come next week we'll go in to a deeper discussion about being induced. I asked him when that would happen, thinking he would say we would consider it week 40, but he said week 42! Sigh.


anofferingoflove said...

oh hon, that really is hard to hear. the last weeks of pregnancy are so difficult - you are on edge waiting for something to happen and worrying about what l&d will be like. hang in there, maybe you will start au natural and it will be a moot point! ((()))

J and DZ said...

Don't let anyone rush you. I wouldn't schedule @ 40 weeks. My cervix was completely closed when they induced at 39 weeks/5 days and my induction was no fun at all. I believe things would have been different had we waited.
I know the last few weeks are hard but before you know it you'll have your little man in your arms!!

giggleblue said...

i know you don't want to wait, but please find comfort in the fact that sugarplum will be here on the day he is meant to be here.

the last weeks are difficult, but soon the baby will be here. and you will be wishing you could just go back to sleep at 4am...

Anonymous said...

There are many factors to consider when you're discussing induction, and your due date is only one of them. How big is SP? How is his movement? How is your blood pressure? Does he have enough fluid around him? Is your midwife willing to do NST's before proceeding to induction? How far away from the hospital are you? Are you dilated/effaced at all?

I speak from having had 2 inductions: one that was horrible, and the other that was wonderful. The first one was horrible because my body was soooo far from ready. Not dilated/effaced at all, and only 36 weeks. Yes, Ceara had to be born immediately, but honestly, it was so traumatic that I would have preferred a c-section, looking back.
Contrast that with Farty's induction at 38 weeks, which was done because it was safer for me to stop my blood thinning meds a few days prior to labor, I live an hour and a half from the hospital, I'm single and had no one to drive me in the middle of the night or watch Ceara, and Farty was measuring well over 8lbs, with a really big head. I was already 50% effaced and nearly 2cm dilated when the induction was started. It went smoothly, my labor was comfortable and in less than 12 hours I was holding my baby boy.

Sorry for my long commentary, I guess the point is that there is no cookie cutter answer to this one. If it isn't an emergent situation and you have time to consider your options, do so carefully, weigh the pro/cons, risks and benefits.
And regardless, when it's over and you're holding your baby, it won't matter how he got here, so don't go back and beat yourself up if things don't go perfect according to plan. It's nonproductive and the time obsessing could better be spent on things like naps!

Jess said...

This is what I've been dreading as well. I am really hoping to not go past my due date. Are you dilated any yet?

Suzy said...

I will just pray that you dont go over 40 weeks.

To add some balance to the discussion here - I would never recommend going to 42 weeks and neither would my OB (who is the top OB in my state)

The risks of complications and stillbirth increase dramatically after 40 weeks. I would be asking for induction not far over 40 weeks. I'm not going to scare you with the facts and statistics, but I definitely have my reasons (as does my OB) for this line of thinking.

The only time this is not true is for women who dont know their dates for sure as there is the chance they may actually NOT be full term. Clearly not a possibility for us, where we can pinpoint the day of conception pretty darn well!

I will just pray that SugarPlum comes a little early or right on time :)

Sabrina said...

Now I know it's hard to wait but it sounds like your Midwife knows what he is doing. Don't depress yourself with these thoughts now though. Just enjoy your last days as just the two of you. Your baby knows he's birthdate just relax. Very soon life will never be the same again. Inductions aren't always easy or good for you & the babe. Let nature take it's course!

Btw Im due May 3rd - right behind you!

tireegal68 said...

Wow - it seems there are so many different opinions about what to do. I might want to ask my midwife some of the questions posed to get a better idea. I have been told that done babies do well going to 42 weeks and some don't. The hard part is knowing which is which. It seems as if so many women get induced because their baby's are rarely ' on time' . I don't know what to suggest except maybe to find out the why's of the decision.
And as for the gender of our baby - I picked she just cause I don't want to say he / she or it!
We have a name picked out if it's a boy which we love and is very sentimental, for a girl we don't know. I think I'm 51 % in favor of a girl and 49% for a boy.
I worry with a boy about the whole C word but I know we'll figure it out somehow.
Sending you cervix ripening vibes ( I think that's what I mean!)

Gayby Rabies said...

Your stories of Mr.Midwife have never failed to impress, so I'm sure he'll do what's best for you and SugarPlum. I still can't believe your ticker is down to single digits! It's going to be so soon that you're holding that precious boy in your arms!

Melissa said...

April is here!! It's your month!