Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Living in denial

I am living in complete and utter denial. Yep, the dark glasses are on. I am just not convinced I have PCOS but that fucken question mark has been haunting me all friggen week. Thanks to google, asking women on BBC, etc. I feel confident in my denial. Boy, am I going to have a rude awakening if that question mark becomes an exclamation mark.

I've been charting this month as usual and I do think I am having an anovulatory cycle. I haven't gotten crosshairs but I did get a +opk last week. However, my temp hasn't risen like it usually does. So my fingers are crossed that this cycle is just a fluke. If it is, what horrible timing. I assume I will have to go through this whole process again next month which means I can't ttc next cycle either because the insurance won't pay for the testing if I have an IUI the same cycle. Ughhh!

Friday: Bloodwork at the RE's.


giggleblue said...

can you do an iui at home, and just fail to mention that to the RE office???

Catherine said...

Lisa, isn't the waiting horrible. Good luck Friday.

Becky Le Cochon said...

I have an appt for next Thursday...I'm hoping it comes on its own. I think this cycle is going to test my patients....